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Life Insurance

We at Miheer Investment provide best available and trusted Life Insurance Policy to you which will take care of your Family when you are not there.

Life insurance is a financial resource for your family and loved ones in case of your death. It is a cover which allows your family to maintain a standard to living as they are currently, and meet their financial obligations.

It also serves as an effective investment and tax saving tool.

Types Of Life Insurance

  • Term Plan (Pure Death Coverage)
  • Unit Linked Insurance - ULIP (Insurance + Investments)
  • Endowment Plan (Insurance + Savings)
  • Money Back – Periodic returns with insurance cover
  • Whole Life Insurance – Life coverage to the life assured for whole life
  • Child’s Plan – For fulfilling your child’s life goals like education, marriage, etc.
  • Retirement Plan - Plan your retirement and retire gracefully

Benefits Of Life Insurance

  • Life Risk Cover
  • Return on Investment
  • Tax Benefits
  • Loan Option
  • Assured Income Benefits
  • Riders Option